Thursday, 6 November 2014

How to Scout Photography Locations

There is a lot that goes into clicking a ‘perfect picture’. Amateur photographers do not realize that following simple, basic rules can get them a great snap. Pick out any random photo and you will come to realize that the most important factor that governs the outcome is - the location. The biggest challenge for scouting a location is to open your eyes to the light and possibility! You may come across a good location anywhere and anytime; while taking a simple walk, on a drive or even by observing your backyard. The real test for you is to put your imagination at work and visualizing your subject in the surroundings.

  • Start your hunt by locating a spot which is not very complicated, simplicity is the key. Complex locations draw interest away from the subject, it distracts ones attention away from the main subject. A simple but solid background will help your capture an engaging picture. While scouting, try to hunt for a location which has a universal appeal, which allows the area to match virtually any shoot. The photography location should be such that it contains multiple areas to shoot within it, as it is difficult to pose for multiple shots with the same background. You must also consider the color and texture of the location, a great contrast compliments an awesome photograph

  • The real secret of finding the right location is the way in which you utilize the natural light or to be more specific, the sun pattern. Examine the effects of light at the time of your shoot and see how the location looks on the camera. Another vital point of consideration which is ignored by many is, safety. For outdoor shoots, one must be careful to inspect every aspect of the location thoroughly. Safety of the subject should be a top priority for you. And lastly, the most important aspect is - attention to detail. Don’t leave out the little things because they add up to make the photograph unique. It is the little things in a photo that set it apart.

  • An interesting exercise to scout locations for photography is a “photowalk”.  Photowalk is simply taking photographs while walking. This will not only make your photography stronger but also prepare a valuable library of photos and locations for you. Actively shooting photographs during your lookout gives you the opportunity to connect better with the area. You get a clearer picture of the effects of natural light on the site, which you can later optimize and utilize for your shoot. Photowalk will provide you with a pool of snaps which you can calmly study and decide which spots can be used for your subject. 

      After you have done your research, your efforts will be rewarded with a well rehearsed, quick photo shoot; while capturing the essence, making the most of your scouted location.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Sulphur Dioxide: The Silent Disease

Our eating habits have taken a huge beating from increased stress levels, hectic lifestyles, and reduced me-time. Prepackaged foods are a boon when you get home and want to simply crash on the sofa, but relying on them too often can be detrimental to your health. It is absolutely crucial to eat a healthy mix of foods, and be aware of what is being consumed, after you are what you eat! Many prepackaged and processed foods contain chemical constituents and additives to increase their longevity and taste. Over time, as these accumulate in your body, it can severely impact your health. This is why you should always read the ingredient listing on the back of the product, before consuming it.

Sulphur dioxide is one chemical agent that is frequently ingested into the body. Many research studies have demonstrated that over time, it can lead to many health problems.

Foods that may contain sulphur dioxide
Sulphur dioxide may be found in a wide variety of everyday fruits such as burger meats, dried fruits, sugar, and breakfast sausages. It is also commonly used to preserve food products, thereby extending shelf life, and preventing the growth of microorganisms. As a preservation agent, it prevents the browning reaction which occurs in certain foods.

Sulphur dioxide can be found in sugar and sugar-containing food products. Most loose sugar we purchase at the grocery store is refined using a process that requires sulphur dioxide.

Impact of sulphur on the body
Regular consumption of sulphur may cause bronchoconstriction, a medical condition where the airways constrict in the lungs. A thin mucus layer covers the passageway from the nose to terminal bronchioles, keeping it moist. Transporting this mucus from the lung is called mucociliary transport. Sulphur dioxide is implicated in many bronchial disorders such as cystic fibrosis, and bronchial asthma. Excess levels of sulphur dioxide from regular consumption of foods which contain the chemical, leads to an impairment in clearing mucus, and therefore leads to a persistent cough. The presence of sulphur dioxide forms acid, which will increase the cough’s viscosity. This makes it difficult for asthmatics to expel cough which is produced in the airways.

The airflow in your air passages may become restricted from excessive mucus production or inflammation, which leads to an allergic reaction. The irritation caused from the mechanical friction in the air is another factor. Sulphur dioxide is an allergen, and is known to cause allergic reactions in many individuals, especially those with asthma.

How to avoid intake of Sulphur dioxide
To lead a long and healthy lifestyle, avoid foods that contain sulphur. Try to purchase sugar that was refined using a sulphur-free method. Be sure to carefully check all food labels before consuming them. It is understandable that with a hectic lifestyle, convenience takes precedence. Also, the quantity of sulphur dioxide in dried fruits, beer and wine is quite high, so it is best to reduce their intake. If you cannot do without dried fruits then it is suggested to pick organic fruits where sulphur dioxide is not used as a preservative. But, remember these fruits will not last for long. Therefore, you need to freeze them to extend their shelf life.

Also, when buying food and beverage from the market, make sure you buy that are completely natural and contain no sulphur dioxide preservatives. Leading a healthy lifestyle may also require you to prioritize your time better, so that you are giving healthy eating its much deserved attention.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

How I Made My Daughter’s Birthday Special with

When you have a family it is extremely difficult to stay away from them. You are constantly flooded with their thoughts and are anxious to be home with them. It gets even more difficult when you go out on business tours and I just had a rather difficult experience of the same. 
Our wedding anniversary coincides with our daughter’s birthday and we really wanted to make her birthday special since it was the first time she was actually celebrating it. However, I had to fly to Chicago for some urgent business work a week before her birthday and I was not supposed to return for at least two weeks. I had no choice but to go. 

At the destination, my thoughts were full of my daughter and her party. The thought that I can do nothing more than simply wish she was even more distressing for me! Hey presto! That’s when I hit upon an idea. I decided to send my family back home a beautiful set of gifts online- although they were costly. Some research led me to

This is an amazing site that offers coupons for almost everything from chocolate baskets to toys, clothing, fruits, sweets, etc. It was a huge relief to discover the site since I could send my family a huge cartload of gifts so that they do not miss me on my daughter’s birthday. Needless to say, my daughter had the most beautiful birthday ever. She got a special personalized storybook, rag doll and a blanket as gifts. I also ordered return gifts for her party- fifty chocolate baskets. Being our fifth anniversary, I ordered a silver watch for couples. My watch is still lying in the pack- I am yet to be home. 

While it was a pleasant surprise for them, the icing on the cake was that I did not overshoot my budget at all. All the gift items were available easily owing to the discount coupons.  

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Eat Your Way to Flat Abs with These Foods

Getting rid of that stubborn tummy flab has always been so difficult, and even if I managed getting flat abs courtesy the crunches and exercises, it is almost tough maintaining it with all the food hogging. But do you know there are certain food items which when combined with the exercises can help you fight the tummy fat and maintain your flat abs. These are familiar and everyday foods in the list, so you need not worry about running around the supermarket to find them:

  1. Apples: Yes, probably this benefit of apples just adds to popular saying -“Eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away”. Apples are not very high in fiber but 85 percent of them is water, which helps you feel full. Try and include one or two apples in your diet or mid-day munching to keep fat at bay.

  1. Yogurt: The pro-biotic bacteria rich yoghurt, keeps your digestive system healthy and eliminates chances of gas, bloating and constipation, which make your tummy look flat.

  1. Almonds: These wonder nuts are stores of fiber and filling protein, vitamin E and act as a powerful antioxidant. Almonds also help in blood sugar regulation and a low blood sugar would mean you fewer tendencies to overeat and therefore less weight gain. Above all this, the most relevant property of almonds here is their ability to block calories.

  1. Eggs: This protein rich food is a very complete diet and keeps you satiated throughout the day, if you have eggs in breakfast. They not only provide the building blocks for your body, but also keep you satisfied, to avoid munching.

  1. Berries: Yummy tangy berries are full of fiber. The more fiber you eat, the fewer calories you absorb from all the other stuff you eat, because fiber traps food particles and shuttles them out of your system before they're fully digested, thus you absorb lesser calories from food.

  1. Leafy Greens: Green leafy veggies have carotenoids and are very low in calorie and high in fiber. Their low calorie content helps keep fat in control and provide calcium to fuel your muscle power.
  1. Soy:  These are great packets of fiber, protein, antioxidants and can be used in multiple forms. Low calories soy milk helps in weight loss than regular dairy products.

  1. Veggie Soup: Soup is as it is very healthy for your digestive system, it fills you up and hence you eat less of other fatty foods. Soup lovers get their veggies in a wonderful tasty form and also lose more weight as compared to people who don't like soups. Keep your soup fat free and have light soups for maximum benefit.
By merely including these items in your daily diet plan you will be able to get flat abs and fit in your favorite dress at the next party.         

Monday, 21 April 2014

Tips To Mend Ties With Your Best Friend

Who tolerates your complaining, mood swings, crying sessions, explosive outbursts, and emotional baggage? Your best friend! She is the only one who will support you when everyone has turned their back to you, or if you feel like repeating the same old stories over and over again. Your best-friend is someone who trusts and cares for you unconditionally. Close relationships such as this, are bound to have their ups and downs, so if you’ve had a spat with your friend, that’s normal. What’s a girl to do if the spat was more like a blow up?

Consider the following tips to sort things out with your best friend:

1. Talk: Irrespective of who did what to whom, do not wait for her to take the first step. Friendships end because no one cared enough to make the first move towards resolution. If she really means that much to you, fix it! If you are at fault, explain your actions without providing justifications. Do not worry about judgment, she’s your best friend after all.

2. Active Listening: While you are prattling on endlessly about your pain and suffering, don’t forget that your best friend has been through the same. Give her an opportunity to speak, at which time your eyes and body language should be focused on her. Active listening is an essential skill to have in all relationships.

3. Apologize: Our egos prevent us from taking responsibility for our actions. Even if you are not the guilty party, it does not hurt to say sorry, especially to your best friend. A heartfelt, genuine apology is a great ice breaker from the anger and resentment that builds up in a fight.

4. Write your feelings down on paper: If you have difficulty expressing your emotions and feelings, jot them down on a piece of paper. You may not be the guilty party, but a letter is a sweet gesture which will always be welcomed by your best friend. This letter will be a keepsake of your friendship,and will surely elicit a smile, years from now.

5. Bring in a neutral friend: It is quite possible, that neither of you is able to solve the issue, at which time you can bring in a friend who is neutral to the both of you. Talking to this third person will help you get a better perspective.

6. Give her space and time: After a fight, always give time and space to cool off. Research has demonstrated that as a person’s anger increases, their ability to reason decreases. A cool mind is more open to forgiveness and moving on.

7. Talk it out: Try and have a heart-to-heart. This is obvious, but needs to be stated. Let your friend know how much she means to you, and how your life feels enriched by her presence.

Don't leave any stone unturned as there is nobody except your best friend who makes your life happy and happening.