Thursday, 21 August 2014

Eat Your Way to Flat Abs with These Foods

Getting rid of that stubborn tummy flab has always been so difficult, and even if I managed getting flat abs courtesy the crunches and exercises, it is almost tough maintaining it with all the food hogging. But do you know there are certain food items which when combined with the exercises can help you fight the tummy fat and maintain your flat abs. These are familiar and everyday foods in the list, so you need not worry about running around the supermarket to find them:

  1. Apples: Yes, probably this benefit of apples just adds to popular saying -“Eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away”. Apples are not very high in fiber but 85 percent of them is water, which helps you feel full. Try and include one or two apples in your diet or mid-day munching to keep fat at bay.

  1. Yogurt: The pro-biotic bacteria rich yoghurt, keeps your digestive system healthy and eliminates chances of gas, bloating and constipation, which make your tummy look flat.

  1. Almonds: These wonder nuts are stores of fiber and filling protein, vitamin E and act as a powerful antioxidant. Almonds also help in blood sugar regulation and a low blood sugar would mean you fewer tendencies to overeat and therefore less weight gain. Above all this, the most relevant property of almonds here is their ability to block calories.

  1. Eggs: This protein rich food is a very complete diet and keeps you satiated throughout the day, if you have eggs in breakfast. They not only provide the building blocks for your body, but also keep you satisfied, to avoid munching.

  1. Berries: Yummy tangy berries are full of fiber. The more fiber you eat, the fewer calories you absorb from all the other stuff you eat, because fiber traps food particles and shuttles them out of your system before they're fully digested, thus you absorb lesser calories from food.

  1. Leafy Greens: Green leafy veggies have carotenoids and are very low in calorie and high in fiber. Their low calorie content helps keep fat in control and provide calcium to fuel your muscle power.
  1. Soy:  These are great packets of fiber, protein, antioxidants and can be used in multiple forms. Low calories soy milk helps in weight loss than regular dairy products.

  1. Veggie Soup: Soup is as it is very healthy for your digestive system, it fills you up and hence you eat less of other fatty foods. Soup lovers get their veggies in a wonderful tasty form and also lose more weight as compared to people who don't like soups. Keep your soup fat free and have light soups for maximum benefit.
By merely including these items in your daily diet plan you will be able to get flat abs and fit in your favorite dress at the next party.         

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