Monday, 23 March 2015

8 Types Of Drunk Girls You'll Meet In Life

No two girls are the same and same can be said about two drunk girls. Whether it is a dance floor, a pub, a house party or the New Year’s party, you can easily spot atleast one drunk girl or two in each of these places but you will never spot two drunk girls who behave the same way. While some are too emotional, others are just enjoying themselves a lot. Some become funny after a drink or two; others just start speaking a lot. The following is a list of the 8 types of drunk girls that you will meet in your life:

1.      The Emotional Drunk
This drunk girl starts squirting out tears as soon as she starts with her second or third drink. She starts crying on the smallest of things and is usually emotional about her boyfriend or the recent breakup that she has gone through. Her friends are handing over the issues when you spot her but even the biggest tissue holders are not enough to control her!

2.      The Multiple Shots Drunk
Then there is that drunk female who doesn’t care what she has to do the next morning and how bad the hangover could be. She goes on gulping shots one after the other and has a lot of capacity for alcohol. Well, this drunk female is the strong independent types and is allowed to do whatever she pleases.

3.      The Puker
Another type of drunk girl that you will spot atleast once in a lifetime is the puker girl. This female is seen bent over the toilet pot puking her guts out and is always dishelved and agitated. She pukes, pukes and pukes every single time.

4.      The Chatter Box
Next in line is that drunk girl who starts blabbering once she has a little too much to drink. This one has a lot to talk about and spills even her darkest secret to anyone and everyone who cares to listen. She goes on and on and doesn’t stop until the party is over.

5.      The One Who Says ‘I’m Not Drunk’
Drunk girls have a habit of convincing others that they are not drunk and you will definitely meet one such girl in your life. This girl will seem drunk, talk drunk but will still have the confidence to say that she isn’t drunk at all. Tell her you are and be ready to hear a long explanation why she isn’t.

6.      The Drunk Caller
This drunk girl has a habit of making drunk impulse calls as soon as she gets even a little high. She has all her ex-boyfriends on her speed dial and doesn’t hesitate calling them to pour out her feelings once she has had more than 2 drinks. She may regret it later but would definitely pick up her phone to call.

7.      The Shrieker
Ofcourse, how can this drunk girl not be on this list? The shrieker is the one whose voice gets three octaves higher and everything gets super exciting for her after 4 vodka shots.  It is better to maintain a distance from this one as your ears could be in for a little surprise around this one.

8.      The Dancing Machine
Almost every party has one drunk girl who starts dancing like a machine and doesn’t stop until she is asked to by the pub owners. This one has a bundle of energy inside her and just needs a drink to get her groove going.

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